Methodology underlying the DIY4Change method are standardized. Therefore, everyone can check for themselves: “to what extent the obtained result was developed in a proper way and according to the standard”. We offer to use 2 groups of methodology developed according to the standards of the DIY4Change method: educational, making a decision.
MiO Solve - methodologies for monitoring the participatory process of adoption and objective assessment of the quality of public decisions. see more info
This applied research method enables monitoring, objective analysis and assessment of the organization's propriety, and conducting a participatory process of adopting and achieving the results of the public decisions implementation.
RDED (DZOR) - Research of Public Demand, Monitoring, and Objective Evaluation of Public Decisions methodology. see more info
This applied methodology provides practical guidance on the steps for researching public demand, evaluating the effectiveness and quality of decisions made by local governments, and assessing their real impact on addressing issues related to overcoming the consequences of military actions in Ukrainian communities.
IRMM - Internet Resource Monitoring Methodology (Social Networks and Messengers) for Information Gathering and Public Opinion Analysis. see more info
This applied social media monitoring methodology allows for collecting information about community needs and demands for solving local problems and/or implementing ideas.
CivicLab – methodology public consultations in digital format. see more info
The CivicLab toolkit is an innovative methodology for developing and analyzing the submitted proposals of decisions during the adoption processes.
UChange - methodology of teaching the basics of public participation in a game format. see more info
The gamification and learning-by-doing format foster effective solutions and facilitate dialogue between the public and authorities
School Participatory Budget – the world’s first digital tool for public participation for forming an active citizen. see more info
A powerful and innovative tool to involve schoolchildren and students in the decision-making processes that affect them. It also encourages public participation and strengthens community relations.
OGP_UChange - Interactive reality game about open government partnership. see more info
An interactive reality game that will help to better understand the principles, approaches, processes of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Initiative.
UBO - Interactive course about determination of the ultimate beneficial owner. see more info
By completing the course, you will learn the purpose and importance of UBO (Ultimate Beneficial Owner) identification.