CivicLab - methodology public consultations in digital format
The CivicLab toolkit(1) is an innovative methodology for developing and analyzing the submitted proposals of decisions during the adoption processes. It includes tools for assessing needs, selecting participants based on criteria. This is a digital component with adapting to the needs of the audience and the relevant theme of the event. The toolkit incorporates the standards of the Council of Europe on public participation in the decision-making process, showcasing successful examples of their implementation owing to the application of the method during the development of national development strategies, proposals for action plans, regulatory documents, local programs, draft laws, etc. The toolkit highlights best practices for public participation, including the engagement of youth and marginalized populations in decision-making processes.

Organizing and conducting public consultations in a digital format is easy! Get results and basic analyses instantly. The method is recognized by the Council of Europe , ToolKit was developed Now fill out the form
The method and toolkit were used to develop the National Strategy for the Development of Civil Society, national action plans of the Government of Ukraine under the "Open Government Partnership" international initiative. It was also applied in drafting development strategies and action plans for local governments in Ukraine, supporting the Ministry of Youth and Sports in youth centers, and in projects such as the All-Ukrainian Public Budget and the School Participatory Budget.

For whom: local and government authority, civil society institutions, youth centers, businesses
Format: online, offline and combined
Methodology document: English https://cutt.ly/reFYrJj0 Ukrainian: https://cutt.ly/teFT4Cj2
Products: consulting passport, techrider, program, registration form, audience portrait, D4Id digital matrix, analytical report
Implemented: 14 countries of the world, at the level of regulatory acts in Lviv region, Poltava region; 6 local authorities are used as part of the "Regulations on Public Consultations".
Number of certified specialists: 50 in Ukraine, 6 in Georgia, 3 in the Republic of North Macedonia, 2 in the Republic of Turkey, 1 in the Republic of Serbia, 3 in the Republic of Albania, 1 in the Republic of Croatia.
Year of development: 2019
Brief interactive introduction: https://cutt.ly/TeFT5dce
Interactive training: https://cutt.ly/deFT5OaJ
Best practices: https://cutt.ly/ReFT5VJC
Languages: Ukrainian, English, Georgian
Key partners: Council of Europe
(1) Made to order of the Council of Europe
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