MiO Solve - methodologies for monitoring the participatory process of adoption and objective assessment of the quality of public decisions
This applied research method enables monitoring, objective analysis and assessment of the organization's propriety, and conducting a participatory process of adopting and achieving the results of the public decisions implementation. The results of the research can be used to develop recommendations for improving decision quality by enhancing the participatory process, adapting and updating them to fit current implementation conditions. The method provides the evaluation of two types of indicators, both basic and key, on a point-based scale
Is the public properly involved in the development, adoption and implementation of public decisions? Let's test together and evaluate the participatory process of developing and implementing a public solution using this unique applied method! Now fill out the form

For whom: authorities at various levels, civil society institutions.
Format: offline, online, combined
Methodology document: English https://cutt.ly/MeFTZJum Ukrainian: https://cutt.ly/peFTL4Uk
Products: methodology and guidelines, digital matrix template for data collection and indicator analysis, template for design of research results
Implemented: Ukraine.
Year of development: 2022
Presentation of the methodology: https://cutt.ly/UeFTCeuQ
Languages: Ukrainian, English
Key partners: We are looking for partners and investors!
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