D4M - digital module for monitoring, automated analysis, and evaluation of strategic decision outcomes
Task. To conduct ongoing monitoring and evaluate the achievement of goals and the completion of tasks for strategic decisions and projects.
Do you want to assess in real-time how well a strategy or project has been implemented? Want to avoid unwanted risks timely? Are low performance indicators a concern, and you'd like to understand why? Let’s establish effective monitoring for your organization’s activities, strategies, and projects to ensure results are achieved on time!
Now fill out the form
Now fill out the form
The digital module allows real-time monitoring and automated evaluation: entering indicator data, analyzing the received data, displaying it on a dashboard, and assessing the progress of projects, tasks, and goal achievement. You'll spot deviations early and make the necessary decisions.
Mechanism: monitoring and evaluation of organizational activities, implementation of strategies (community, regional, national, sectoral development), execution of action plans and projects, and monitoring changes in public demand and the needs for community development/recovery
For whom: local and government authority, civil society institutions, research institutions, businesses.
Format: offline, online, combined
Elements: DIY4C digital component for data analysis and visualization, D4MiO digital matrix
Input data: proposals for decisions, municipal data.
Year of development: 2022
Best practices: implemented in 9 communities of Ukraine
Languages: Ukrainian
Key partners: We are looking for partners and investors!
Interested? Get in touch: join our pilot! We will definitely implement!