D4S - digital module for public consultations: collecting and analyzing proposals during participatory strategic planning sessions
Task. To develop proposals for the decision that is being designed (action plan, program, and development projects for communities/regions/country) with the involvement of key stakeholders. To assess the feasibility of the proposals based on criteria, identify responsible parties/partners for implementation, and prioritize and sequence the execution.

Are you developing a strategy implementation plan? Want to gather proposals for the development of a city, region, or country efficiently? Need an automated mode for conducting basic analytics on existing results? Let’s create a high-quality, realistic action plan based on the submitted proposals right away! Now fill out the form

The digital proposal collection and analysis module allows real-time identification of realistic proposals, the formation of an action plan with the order of implementation by year and designated implementers. Basic analysis and visualization allow for quick conclusions: workload distribution for executors by year and sector, forecast of financial and resource involvement, and points of interaction between executors for joint implementation.
Mechanism: development of an action plan for community development strategies, government action plan, creation of a list of project ideas and their implementation sequence
For whom: local and government authority, civil society institutions, businesses.
Format: offline, online, combined
Elements: DIY4C digital component for data analysis and visualization, D4C/D4Id digital matrix
Input data: proposals for decisions, municipal data.
Year of development: 2023
Best practices: used by 35 communities and 2 regions of Ukraine
Languages: Ukrainian / English
Key partners: the adaptation of the digital component is supported by the International Renaissance Foundation
Interested? Get in touch: join our pilot! We will definitely implement!